My first attempt to read thru the Bible in a year was back in 2010, which was a transitional year for me (career transition) and transformational year as well (Downline discipleship training). In 2012-2013, I read thru a 2-year Bible reading plan. Last year at this time I remember searching for a different kind of reading plan, and I settled on one that consisted of reading one chapter per day from the New Testament, with one of the Gospels placed into each quarter. While I really liked this NT Bible Eater plan, I had some challenges in following this plan consistently in 2015 and I failed to follow it completely. So, part of my motivation for this year is to return to an entire Bible reading plan, so I've joined The Bible Project's "Read Scripture in 2016" group and look forward to receiving their weekly emails of encouragement and support thru the reading plan. Also, I began supporting their ministry as a monthly donor.
Another way in which I hope to invest in this reading plan is by sharing my reading experience with my girls by sharing with them some of The Bible Project videos. Both Taylor, and especially Nicole, spend a lot of time watching You Tube videos so it seems only natural that they would have interest in seeing these short videos illustrating the subject of each book in the Bible. My prayer is that these videos might help serve as a valuable tool in helping my girls understand the Bible more fully and instill a longing desire within each of them to read through the Bible for themselves.
As I prepare to embark on this Bible reading journey, I pray that my plan to read thru the Bible is a true reflection of my heart's desire to hear God speak truth into me daily, and that I would take the time needed to pray and meditate on the scripture. Also, I pray that I would not let this plan become routine, or even approach my daily reading merely as a challenge, or worry about missing some daily readings. I look to this reading plan as an opportunity to grow closer in my walk with Jesus and to know and love God more dearly.
Happy New Year! Embrace the fresh beginning God wants to give you in 2016!